5:50pm MDST
"What Can We Know? Who Are We All?"
"What can we know? What are we all?
Poor silly half-brained things peering out at the infinite,
with the aspirations of angels and the instincts of beasts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
“We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger
that exists is man himself. He is the great danger. And we are pitifully
unaware of it. We know nothing of man...far too little. His psyche should
be studied - because we are the origin of all coming evil.”
- C.G. Jung
Hundreds of Indians Stranded In Iraq Without Help; The Governments of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey, And U.S. Must Be Held Responsible If Any Harm Is Done To Them

*Indian schoolchildren write on a poster board, "We pray to God that
stranded Indians should return safely."*
The governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who have backed ISIS and other
terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, should be held responsible in the
international court of public opinion if any harm is done to these workers
from India. The leaders of Jordan, Turkey, and the U.S. must use all the
leverage they have with these terrorists, which is not minimal, to allow
for the safe passage of these stranded workers back to their home country.
And, of course, the governments of Ir... more »
John Dean's Enemies List

*"Stated a bit more bluntly--how we can use the available federal machinery
to screw our political enemies."*
*"Dealing with our political enemies."*
*John W. Dean,*
*Aug. 16, 1971*
*Dean Memo on 'Enemies'Memorandum from Dean to Lawrence Higby, former
assistant to Haldeman, dated Aug. 16, 1971 and entitled "Dealing with our
political enemies."*
*This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can maximize the fact of
our incumbency in dealing with persons known to be active in their
opposition to our Administration, Stated a bit more bluntly--how we can use
the available federal m... more »
“John Oliver Destroys Washington's Racist Football Team Name With New Video”
*“John Oliver Destroys Washington's Racist Football Team Name With New
By Ian Gordon
“Last week, a Native American tribe in Northern California ran a new TV ad
during the NBA Finals that targeted the racist name of the Washington
football team. "Unyielding. Strong. Indomitable," a narrator intones at the
end. "Native Americans call themselves many things. The one thing they
don't?" The ad then cuts to a picture of a helmet with the team's logo.
On Sunday's Last Week Tonight, John Oliver used President Obama's first
visit to American Indian land to segue into the battle over... more »
“The Patience Deficit”
*“The Patience Deficit”*
By Nicholas G. Carr
“I'm concerned about time—the way we're warping it and it's warping us.
Human beings, like other animals, seem to have remarkably accurate internal
clocks. Take away our wristwatches and our cell phones and we can still
make pretty good estimates about time intervals. But that faculty can also
be easily distorted. Our perception of time is subjective; it changes with
our circumstances and our experiences. When things are happening quickly
all around us, delays that would otherwise seem brief begin to seem
interminable. Seconds stretch ou... more »
Ohrwurm - "You're gonna want to go right ahead and..."

*"The Adherents of the Repeating Meme. J’accuse!"*
*Adherents of the Repeating Meme*
"*That's all very well and really kind of obvious. *
*But if you stop and think about it, a repeated meme is just an idea. *
*And that's all they are: an idea. *
*Nice little cover for the real troublemaker."*
You know the terms "*Valley Girl*", and "*Valley Speak*" were invented by
Frank Zappa in 1983?
Zappa claimed to be a *Libertarian* - it seems to me, a lot of what he
meant by that, in his terms, consisted of *psycholinguistic
deconstructionism* for the purpose of *culture-jamming, *which is ... more »
Stand for Something

[image: Embedded image permalink]
Colin Craig and his party met over the weekend.
After many months of public hand wringing Craig finally announced in which
seat in he will be standing. And after many weeks of publicly insisting
National throw him an electoral deal, whinging he and his party deserved
it, he is now saying “what they do is up to them…. all those things are
helpful but it's not something we're asking for.” Well, not now. Not this
Craig and his deputy, former head of Social Welfare Christine Rankin,
famous for being as generous spending taxpayer money on herse... more »
Learning About Liberty in a Charter Chain Gang
This KIPP knock-off, Nashville Prep, has had numerous complaints about the
severity of its penal pedagogy and abuse. Here it is cleaned up for the
cameras, i. e., minus the screaming and humiliation and silence.
If you find this disturbing, you have to remember that this is what they
are most proud of--this is as good as it gets.
Steve Video:UTV or Uncertain TV
Yes I am starting to stream, both in virtual reality and in real life damp
underwear. I could holdback so much, but when the technology was there I
could not just be a ranting text guy. I put my ugly mug on line for a
purpose. I stated it very clearly in my first video. This world is
dependent upon parents who care about their children more than themselves.
That is parents everywhere. So it should be simple to solve the worlds
problems thanks for tunning in.
I am going to learn more video tricks and if this is to be something more
than a vanity project sponsors will help me.
Upda... more »
US supported fascists in Kiev tried to attack a religious anti-war service
being held inside a monastery. The church activists planned a procession
against Ukraine signing the EU Association Agreement and the
"anti-terrorist" operation in the eastern part of the country.
After they were done at the church the Nazi's turned and trashed Russian
It is obvious that the US-NATO installed regime is using the Nazi Right
Sector to intimidate and help suppress any real opposition to the
government throughout the nation.
One blogger ironically says, "In Western Europe Nazism is ban... more »
“Portals of exigency” have been created to accommodate rapid movement across planetary energetic boundaries
*“Portals of exigency” have been created to accommodate rapid movement
across planetary energetic boundaries*
by ÉirePort
"Portals of exigency" have been created to accommodate rapid movement
across planetary energetic boundaries.
Alignment of Hue-beings with such portals facilitates accelerated movement
of consciousness into Higher D realms as chaotic node points are
Full Inner Acceptance of "the Process" is key to the alignment, and allows
moment to moment flow with "The Process".
"Portals of exigency" will remain as a potential for Hue-manity and all
hu-manity u... more »

I AM !
I AM…..
….as we imagine…t... more »
Iraq - The Decent Interval

*Our goal is to have a decent interval between the withdrawal of American
forces and the rape of the first virgin.*
*- Henry Kissinger*
*"Now listen here: Printing top secret information. I don't care how they
feel about the war. Whether they're for or against it. *
*They can't and should not do this and attack the integrity of government
and by God, I'm gonna fight that son of a bitching paper. *
*They don't know what's gonna hit them now.*
*I want to tell you that I was so damn mad when that Supreme Court had to
come down. First, I didn't like the decision. *
*Unbelieva... more »
“6 Despicable Right-Wing Outrages This Week—The War on Women Rages On”
*“6 Despicable Right-Wing Outrages This Week-*
*The War on Women Rages On”*
By Janet Allon
*“1. George Will stumbles around defending his controversial rape column
and pretty much says the same thing all over again. *George Will is an
idiot. There, we said it. His idiocy and cluelessness have not stopped him
from opining at length and in long sentences with fairly large words about
things that he knows nothing about. Things like campus rape. Well, he does
know something about rape. He knows that it is very bad... for the
reputations of people who are accused of it.
Two weeks afte... more »
Protecting the Shia religion in Iraq [Source: Financial Times]
Protecting the Shia religion in Iraq. Source: Financial Times. Date
Published: June 22, 2014. Description:
Speaking ahead of a mass rally across Shia parts of Iraq, Sayyid Ibrahim
al-Jabiri, an Iraqi Sadrist politician, speaks out against a sectarian war
with Sunnis, talks about who he believes is to blame for the country's
Most Congressional Warmongers Are Republicans, Of Course, But Plenty Of Democrats Are Too

Obama hasn't helped our country's image recover from 8 years of Bush-Cheney
as much as everyone expected. In fact, the U.S. is looked at as the biggest
threat to world peace-- by far.
Over 12 years into the so-called "Global War on Terror," the United States
appears to be striking terror into the hearts of the rest of the world.
In their annual End of Year survey, *Win/Gallup International* found that
the United States is considered the number one "greatest threat to peace in
the world today" by people across the globe.
Who sees America as the biggest threat? People almost everyo... more »
Common Core Memorandum of Understanding Not Just for “Development”
On June 18, 2014, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced that he had
contacted the National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief
State School Officers (CCSSO) to tell them that he was terminating
Louisiana’s Common Core State Standards (CCSS) memorandum of understanding
(MOU), the document that he and former state superintendent Paul Pastorek
signed tying […]
Things I miss about Texas...

*in no particular order.*
I moved to Houston when I was 17 and lived there about 17 years.
*1. Whataburger:*
*This is the first Whataburger which opened in Corpus Christi. It looks
almost identical to the one we often ate at in Houston.*
*2. San Jacinto Inn*
*The Inn, located at the Houston ship channel, closed in 1987, but it
remains a fond memory for many people.*
*All you could eat seafood (can you say piles upon piles of shrimp and
whole crabs?) served family style, followed by fried chicken, light and
fluffy biscuits, and washed down with carafes of ice cold Chablis.... more »
Last dance of separation on every channel

By American Kabuki
Living in Morocco as I have since last November has given me an interesting
outsiders view of American media machine that I wouldn't normally get from
inside the USA. It used to be that CNN and BBC could be relied upon for
some decent news coverage. Who can forget Bernard Shaw reporting from the
Baghdad Hilton as cruise missiles streamed in on night vision cameras? But
these days that thin veneer professional journalism has peeled and flaked
away back to the pure cardboard propaganda stand for the Wall Street
petrodollar/Federal Reserve cabal they always were... more »
Sunday Bloody Sunday: Bullshit, Bibi and 9/11 Too

With all that is currently going on with the Obama regime's continuation of
the neocon war on the world - ISIS, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine, Syria, Nigeria,
Russia and the ongoing government war on civil liberties in* The Homeland* it
was wholly expected that this week's Sunday morning propaganda shows would
feature a spectacular upchucking of bullshit to sell to the masses in the
upcoming week. The major television networks and selected cable "news"
titans certainly didn't fail as they trotted out a parade of fiends and
criminals with the heavyweights being right-wing Israeli Prime Minist... more »
'Newsnight' - 16-20 June

Here, somewhat later than usual - as I've been away in Keswick - is this
week's run-through of last week's editions of *Newsnight*. What did they
cover, how did they frame it, who did they interview, and why on earth
didn't they mention Keswick?
*Monday 16/6*
1.* Iraq*: *"The Islamo-fascist forces sweeping through the north of Iraq
'have to be stopped', the American Secretary of State said today, since
they threaten the very existence of the country. But how? We have views
from America and Iran, and our diplomatic editor is here. [*Mark Urban: "*With
images emerging of Iraqi pris... more »
Cameron Diaz's pubic hair - NSFW
Cameron Diaz on the importance of not maing unreversible decisions about
pubic hair.
*Activists use pedal power to oppose fracking ~WDSU*
*Report: Louisiana ranks high in toxic releases into waterways ~Amy Wold,
The Advocate*
*St. Bernard Sheriff: Three men arrested for stealing $1500 in crab traps
*Causeway Police practice water rescue training ~WVUE*
*Five years after Corps of Engineers rated Trinity River levees
unacceptable, an inspection and an update ~Dallas Morning News*
*Playing the waiting game in flooded northwest Iowa ~Des Moines Register*
Discussions of race at the chalkface. It’s TL for you, then fine, DR.
Last night, perhaps during the day yesterday, I was engaged in a debate on
race via Twitter. There seemed to be some misunderstandings, which is very
easy to do on Twitter. That’s why I personally have a love/hate
relationship with the medium. I really hate it. But then again, well, I
don’t love-it-love-it. It’s more […]

*(Click on Cartoons to enlarge)*
*Charles Barsotti died this week at 80 years old but his New Yorker
cartoons touched myself and millions of others with their wonderful quirky
sense of humor and imaginative insights into profound truths which were
both delightful and thought provoking. His presence will be sorely missed
for his cartoons provided much needed solace in our chaotic ego driven
world: Allen L Roland *
I love the New Yorker not only for its in depth reporting but also for its
staff of excellent cartoonists who seemed to fully capture the themes of
our times ~ *but my f... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: Everybody loves Luisa

*NBC Symphony Orchestra, Arturo Toscanini, cond. RCA-BMG, broadcast
performance from Studio 8-H, July 25, 1943*
*Berlin Philharmonic, Herbert von Karajan, cond. DG, recorded 1976*
*RCA Italiana Orchestra, Fausto Cleva, cond. RCA-BMG, recorded June 1964*
*Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala, Riccardo Muti, cond. Sony, recorded
Sept. 5-7, 1993*
*by Ken*
The rousing and stirring Overture to *Luisa Miller* is a piece I adore, and
I'm surprised to see that, as far as I can tell, we've never listened to
it. I thought we would at least have heard the performance from Tullio
Serafin's EMI... more »
Jack A. Smith : Obama’s foreign policy bait and switch
Obama focused on defending his policies from the warhawks instead of the
‘pivot’ to Asia and maintenance of unilateral global hegemony. By Jack A.
Smith | The Rag Blog | June 22, 2014 President Obama chose to ignore the
most … finish reading Jack A. Smith :
Obama’s foreign policy bait and switch
Is the Foolhardy Obama About to Start World War III?

2014 is the one-hundred year anniversary of the beginning of World War I, a
conflict of such savagery, really the first time in history that mass
slaughter was industrialized and the resulting carnage was unprecedented.
The war itself was the result of a series of events that rapidly careened
out of control. The spark that ignited the whole conflagration being the
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria that was followed by a
cascading series of events that led to a conflict of empires that forever
changed the world. WW I in particular leading to the rise of the Nazis and
t... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 22nd, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday... June 22nd.. And time again for my weekly look at what has been
happening in our sick world over the last week..
Today is June 22nd, and today marks the 73rd anniversary of Germany's
Operation Barbarossa invasion of the former Soviet Union during the second
World War. Many of our so called "history" books called that attack an
invasion, but the truth has been coming out that it actually was a
pre-emptive strike to stop the criminal Stalin from launching his own
carefully planned attack on Europe that was to take place on July 5th, 1941
under the code... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
My interview with Alexandre Massimo on Iraq’s deteriorating security
situation was mentioned in “Examining the Causes of the Islamic State’s
Resurgence in Iraq” on the Syrian site Tahrir Souri, while my talk with
Aaron Zelin "The Islamic State of Iraq Attempts To Create A State in Syria
and Iraq" was posted on the Washington Institute for Near East Policy's
website. I was quoted in "Maliki's most solemn hour" by Paul Mutter in the
The thickness of Peter Mackay
face it, Peter Mackay is not among the sharpest implements in a drawer
full of dull blades. His latest attack on women demonstrates a thought
process that is not only overly-simplistic but flawed to the point of
being dangerous. Tabatha Southey does a low-level strafing run on Mackay
demonstrating his consistency in being wrong on, well, everything.
At this point, I’m impressed with the
Prepping TFWs for the Northern Gateway Pipeline

This week Employment Minister Jason Kenney replaced the old LMOA, *Labour
Market Opinion Assessment*, with the brand new LMIA, or *Labour Market
Impact Assessment* - henceforth to be known as the *LabourMinister Missing
in Action* program for its accelerated 10- working- day approval process to
put TFWs in skilled trades.
Remember those 270 unionized welders and pipefitters laid off a Husky
Sunrise tarsands project last October and replaced by temporary foreign
As one of the former workers explained :
"We had to conduct a handover to Saipem, detailing to them where we h... more »
Hitting the Wall

Well, I guess this is it, then.
It won't even be worth putting the air conditioner in the bedroom
window because, barring a miracle, it looks as if we'll be evicted during
the summer.
I'm sorry I was such a burden and a constant aggravation to my regular
and former readers as well as the one-timers who surf in once and leave. It
seems if I stay in any one person's life long enough, I wind up alienating
them for a bewilderingly eclectic variety of reasons. Why should the
political blogosphere of which I've been a part for going on a decade be
any exception?
Yester... more »
US Experts Throw Beijing a Helping Hand

*Camouflage expert.*
In the Washington-Tokyo-Taipei-Beijing quadrangle, one of Beijing's most
important strategic goals is to transfer tension from the
Washington-Beijing relationship to the Washington-Taipei relationship. Not
only does that occur often, in each case to the detriment of Taiwan, but
one also sees, sadly, that US experts frequently incorporate this idea
"tension" into their analyses of the Washington-Taipei relationship. As in this
piece the other day that Ben Goren ripped (link below). The writers of the
report, Michael O'Hanlon and Jim Steinberg, note:
Beijing sho... more »
Mike's Story Part 58 - Emerging From the Winter of His Discontent
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
* To Mike's psychiatrist:*
*...we discovered that there's a fire exit to the ward which warns that if
u open it, an alarm goes off. i understand why a fire exit shouldn't be
locked but still, it seems to me (and no doubt also seemed to mike) that it
would be v easy for a determined patient to flee out to that stairwell and
throw themselves down the shaft before anyone could stop them, alarm or no
alarm. *
*he's on zoloft and depacote and feels no better. *
* To Cynthia McKinney 3/25/07: *
* when i proposed that he call you he said, 'what would i say?... more »
WNYW Fox 5 News - Day of 9/11 08:48am - 09:46 am (approx.)

WNYW Fox 5 News - Day of 9/11 08:48am - 09:46 am (approx.) from Chris Tracey
on Vimeo.
"Jim, just a few moments ago, something believed to be a plane crashed into
the South Tower of the World Trade Center. I just saw flames inside, you
can see the smoke coming out of the tower; we have no idea what it was. It
was a tremendous boom just a few moments ago. You can hear around me
emergency vehicles heading towards the scene.
Now this could have been an aircraft or it could have been something
It appears to be something coming from the outside, due to the nature of
the o... more »
Following The Weather Vane

Charles Pascal writes that there were several low points in the Ontario
election campaign. However,
When Horwath said in defence of her non-platform that she “walks in the
footsteps of Tommy Douglas,” I felt faint with incredulity as I instantly
recalled my most treasured moment when it comes to my fascination with
politics — a long and deeply memorable lunch with Tommy in the fall of
1983. He said something to me on that late September day that those
aspiring to replace Ontario’s current NDP leader at some time, sooner or
later, should heed.
Pascal recalled that, at a time when... more »
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

*"But who is exactly is the man who is threatening to plunge Iraq back to
its darkest days, and why has he become so effective?*
As with many of al-Qaeda’s leaders, precise details are sketchy. His FBI
rap sheet offers little beyond the fact that he is aged around 42, and was
born as Ibrahim Ali al-Badri in the city of Samarrah, which lies on a
palm-lined bend in the Tigris north of Baghdad. *Abu Bakr al-Baghdad*i is a
nom de guerre, as is his other name, *Abu Duaa*, which translates roughly
as “*Father of the Summons”*.
Some describe him as a farmer who was arrested by US forces ... more »
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
Originally posted on Bill Ayers:
My brother Rick was one of the heroes of the American war against Viet
Nam—he helped to organize and articulate war resistance in his unit,
refused to kill people or to be killed in pursuit of the rulers’ imperial
dreams, and deserted the US Army, spending the next decade on…
Why Blue Dog Mike Ross Will Lose His Run For Arkansas Governor
The ad above was released 3 days ago by the Republican Governors
Association. It's an unadulterated attack ad on Mike Ross, the Democratic
Party candidate for governor of Arkansas, who is running against extremist
GOP sociopath Asa Hutchinson. I don't care who wins because both candidates
are the worst garbage American politics has to offer. I suppose a lesser of
two evils argument could be made in favor of Ross, but, given his
virulently reactionary and anti-working family record when he was in
Congress, that would be a stretch. Ross was one of the leaders of the Blue
Dogs and--... more »
Recover deleted post together with deleted comments
Previously you should be able to recover a deleted post with original
permalink together with the comments. However, something has changed and
the method no longer works. However, you can still use any of the other 5
methods described in this post - How to recover deleted posts to restore
the content, but it will have a different permalink and zero comment, thus
having to start from scratch all over.
However, if you moderate your comments via email notifications and you have
not deleted those emails, you can still use the methods described at this
post - How to restore deleted comme... more »
*Even Among Democratic Lawmakers, Support Grows for School Choice *
Only 8,700 students rely on Louisiana’s state public scholarship program to
attend the school of their choice today, but the state’s lawmakers worked
this session to expand options for additional children.
The state legislature passed three school-choice bills pass this year,
including a new public school choice program and modifications to existing
programs. Gov. Bobby Jindal, a Republican, is expected to sign them all.
One of the measures fully funds the state’s growing voucher program, which
allows students in p... more »
The Media
The Media from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"The News is a corporate entity. The News is owned." *- John Judge, 1993
Finally found it! Half Man Half Biscuit - Dickie Davies Eyes
Back in 2008 I blogged about the wonderful Half Man Half Biscuit and posted
videos of Trumpton Riots, Joy Division Oven Gloves and I Think We're Alone
Now but said that I just couldn't find the video for Dickie Davies Eyes,
well now I have...
"Mention the Lord of the Rings just once more,
And I'll more than likely kill you.
"Moorecock, Moorecock, Michael Moorecock"
you fervently moan.
Is this a wok that you shove down my throat,
Or are you just pleased to see me?
Brian Moore's head looks uncannily like London Planetarium.
And all those people
Who you, romantically,
Like to s... more »
Iraqi Military Out of Hellfires in Battle Against ISIS

[image: Cessna AC-208B]The Iraqi military ran out of Hellfire missiles six
days ago, and though the U.S. is rushing more missiles into the country,
Iraq has only two modified Cessna aircraft to launch them in their battle
against the radical Islamic militia ISIS.
ISIS has captured 28 tanks and shot down three helicopters, a significant
percentage of the government force, and the militia killed an entire Iraqi
Security Force brigade in the last couple of days at the border with Syria,
which ISIS now controls.
The losses have left the Iraqi military with no offensive capability, and
... more »
Five Revolutionary American Weapons of War That Never Happened

[image: XB-70 Valkyrie]Weapons die for all kinds of different reasons.
Sometimes they happen at the wrong time, either in the midst of defense
austerity, or with the wrong constellation of personnel.
Sometimes they fall victim to the byzantine bureaucracy of the Pentagon, or
to turf fights between the services. And sometimes they die because they
were a bad idea in the first place.
For the same reasons, bad defense systems can often survive the most inept
management if they fill a particular niche well enough.
Read more
You may watch Particle Fever soon
If you have been thinking about watching the 99-minute movie about the LHC, *Particle
Fever* (by Mark Levinson and David Kaplan), it's time for you to recheck
the movie's website which provides you with diverse ways how to be able to
see the thriller.
What's your place where you usually get movies? Amazon? iTunes? Something
else? ;-) Whatever it is, you should look there because chances are that
you may see the movie very soon, sooner than you expect! You may find
traces of the movie that you haven't found before when you tried. I hope
that the hints have been sufficient. :-)
I ... more »
India can export fighter planes, missiles: DRDO chief

[image: Tejas LCA]With Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressing on the need
for increasing arms exports, DRDO has said India can sell combat aircraft
and missiles whose production cost would be “much lower” than some of the
weapons sold by countries such as China.
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) chief Avinash Chander
said that the country needs a “policy mechanism” for exporting weapon
systems and the defence research agency has suggested a “single window
clearance” for sale of arms to friendly foreign countries in a time-bound
“We have a list of equipmen... more »
Russia to bring first unmanned combat aircraft into service by 2020

[image: Tu-143 Reys]The Russian Air Force is to receive its first unmanned
combat air vehicles (UCAVs) into service by 2020. It is expected that state
trials or field tests of the new UCAVs may start in 2017. According to
Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov, research and development work for
this project is now nearly complete.
Drone fighters are able to tackle strategic tasks because they are
difficult to detect and have better combat sustainability than manned
aircraft. There are over 600 types of unmanned aerial vehicles produced in
the world today, including 25 in Russia.
A ... more »
Japanese Defense Ministry to study new missile defense systems

[image: THAAD interceptor]The Defense Ministry will conduct full-fledged
studies on new missile defense systems that would better equip Japan to
intercept North Korean ballistic missiles, officials said.
The ministry has started consultations with the United States on
introducing the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system and a
ground-based version of the Standard Missile-3 interceptors mounted on
Aegis destroyers, according to the officials.
Currently, the Self-Defense Forces employs a two-stage system to intercept
ballistic missiles. In the first phase, Aegis ships lau... more »
Indian officials trash U.S. think-tank report
[image: INS Arihant]Indian officials have trashed the report published by a
military intelligence think tank based in the United States, which, citing
satellite imagery alleged that New Delhi was covertly expanding its nuclear
weapons programme.
The report is “mischievously timed,” ahead of a meeting on Monday of the
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in Buenos Aires, and is intended to divert
focus from the real culprits of proliferation, said an official source, who
did not wish to be named.
“It is interesting that such reports questioning India’s nuclear
credentials are planted at r... more »
Chimeraworld resurgence going on...
you may not have heard about the Chimeraworld series.
It was an annual book project of horror, weird, bizarre stories from
writers from around the world, that I edited for six years i.e. six
editions published via Chimericana Books.
I'm bringing this up now because Chimeraworld seems to be making a bit of a
comeback, a resurgence.
Russian Navy to be supplied with more than 50 vessels before end of 2014

[image: Project 636 submarine]Russia's Navy is to be supplied with more
than 50 new vessels before the year end, Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral
Viktor Chirkov said on Saturday.
One of them is a Project 636 diesel-electric submarine due to be launched
next week.
"On June 26, the diesel-electric submarine Rostov-on-Don will be launched
at Admiralty Wharves for the Black Sea Fleet," Chirkov told graduates of
naval colleges at a ceremony in St. Petersburg, adding that altogether the
fleet would be supplied with six Project 636 submarines.
Read more
Some Health Benefits Of Dill

Source of poster:
*Organic Facts*
Denmark: Journalism Like This Could Ultimately Cost Lives by Sanne Maja Funch
Denmark: Journalism like this could ultimately cost lives
By Sanne Maja Funch
Sane Vax., Inc., 21 June 2014
Critical journalism about the HPV vaccine is a battleground with reporters
and the drug company Sanofi Pasteur MSD each in their own corner of the
ring. While journalists are talking about a company that controls the
angles and spreads fear among the sources; the drug company believes that
journalism is so unfair that girls are at risk of dying because they do not
dare to be vaccinated.
“*My impression was that Sanofi was indirectly the reason why these
sources woul... more »
Musical Interlude: Fairport Convention, "Tam Lin"
Fairport Convention, "Tam Lin"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy3ihk205ew
Observations on the Iraq Fiasco
Not that I believe that anything that I say will influence anyone of any
political standing. But I'm a narcissistic blogger and I gotta blog!
1. Notice how nobody is all that concerned about getting george dubya
bush's views on the Iraq crisis? Doubtless all of his supporters and his
media enablers realize that he's an absolute imbecile and there's nothing
to be gained from the exertions that would be required to present him as an
"elder statesman" at this point in his dotage.
2. Can we really be all that sure that the takeover of vast swaths of the
country by Sunni militants is ent... more »
*News that is music to Al Gore's ears*
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some
places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to
the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulaff, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical
change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the
Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been
met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still ve... more »
*News that is music to Al Gore's ears*
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some
places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to
the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulaff, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical
change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the
Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been
met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still ve... more »
METRO | Alice Embree : Grassroots Leadership takes on the prison profiteers
The group helped end immigrant family detention at T. Don Hutto private
prison and is challenging Travis County Sheriff Hamilton’s deportation
policies. By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | June 22, 2014 AUSTIN —
Grassroots Leadership says that Texas … finish reading *METRO* | Alice
Embree : Grassroots Leadership takes on the prison profiteers
Anonymous Operative Is Back-- And He Seems Pissed Off

This is from EMILY's List Australia. The U.S. version wouldn't use
"progressive" or "passionate"
*The Lamest Operation in Americaby Anonymous Operative*
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results. Well, according to that defintion, Emily's
List feels as though they have the right to raise millions of dollars from
indviduals and do insane things with it.
Year after year, Emily's list and their thuggish operatives travel around
the country raising the same $500, $1000, and $1,000,000 checks from the
same individuals, who tru... more »
Mike's Story Part 58 - Emerging From the Winter of His Discontent
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
* To Mike's psychiatrist:*
*...we discovered that there's a fire exit to the ward which warns that if
u open it, an alarm goes off. i understand why a fire exit shouldn't be
locked but still, it seems to me (and no doubt also seemed to mike) that it
would be v easy for a determined patient to flee out to that stairwell and
throw themselves down the shaft before anyone could stop them, alarm or no
alarm. *
*he's on zoloft and depacote and feels no better. *
* To Cynthia McKinney 3/25/07: *
* when i proposed that he call you he said, 'what would i say?... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Suddenly Yours”
2002, “Suddenly Yours”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQn4U-IxDL8
Cosmology: "The WOW Signal"
*"The WOW Signal"*
by CBC News
“On August 15, 1977, a radio telescope at Ohio State University pointed
skyward picked up an unusual signal. The telescope was searching the radio
wave spectrum as part of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or
SETI, program. Four days later, a volunteer with SETI, Professor Jerry
Ehman of Franklin University in Ohio, went over the printout of the day's
results and came across the readings. Seeing the unusually strong spike,
Ehman circled the results and scribbled in the margins: "Wow!"
The radio spike that became known as "the Wow signal" st... more »
Tom Hayden : Are we seeing the ‘dismemberment’ of Iraq?
The other Hayden says Iraq is ‘dead’ and will be replaced by three
‘successor’ states. By Tom Hayden | The Rag Blog | June 21, 2014 Former CIA
director Michael Hayden says Iraq is dead, “will not be reconstituted,”
and … finish reading Tom Hayden :
Are we seeing the ‘dismemberment’ of Iraq?
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Like grains of sand on a cosmic beach, individual stars of barred spiral
galaxy NGC 1313 are resolved in this sharp composite from the Hubble Space
Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). The inner region of the
galaxy is pictured, spanning about 10,000 light-years.
Hubble's unique ability to distinguish individual stars in the 14 million
light-year distant galaxy has been used to unravel the fate of star
clusters whose bright young stars are spread through the disk of the galaxy
as the clusters dissolve. The exploration of stars and clusters in external
galaxy NGC 1313 off... more »
"Members Of Our Species..."
"Human beings never think for themselves, they find it too uncomfortable.
For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told-
and become upset if they are exposed to any different view. The
characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity, and the
characteristic result is religious warfare. Other animals fight for
territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight
for their 'beliefs.' The reason is that beliefs guide behavior, which has
evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior
may well lead ... more »
"If Only..."
“How do the geese know when to fly to the sun? Who tells them the seasons?
How do we, humans, know when it is time to move on?
As with the migrant birds, so surely with us, there is a voice within,
if only we would listen to it, that tells us so certainly when to go forth
into the unknown.”
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Chet Raymo, “Speak, Memory”
*“Speak, Memory”*
by Chet Raymo
“There is no mystery in science more baffling than memory– the way a
melon-sized ball of meat can store a lifetime of recollections and recall
them at will without erasing. To think about it is almost to doubt the
materialist paradigm. Almost, but not quite. We have computers to remind us
that it is in principle possible. This little box I am writing on contains
every Science Musing post of the past eight years and the images that went
with them.
Still, I stand in awe of someone like Gabriel García Márquez, who seems to
have remembered every detail ... more »
The Poet: Maya Angelou, "When Great Trees Fall"
*"When Great Trees Fall"*
"When great trees fall,
rocks on distant hills shudder,
lions hunker down in tall grasses,
and even elephants lumber after safety.
When great trees fall in forests,
small things recoil into silence,
their senses eroded beyond fear.
When great souls die,
the air around us becomes
light, rare, sterile.
We breathe, briefly.
Our eyes, briefly,
see with a hurtful clarity.
Our memory, suddenly sharpened,
examines, gnaws on kind words unsaid,
promised walks never taken.
Great souls die and our reality,
bound to them, takes leave of us.
Our souls, dependent upon their... more »
Vive la libération: St. Louisans celebrate as their city is declared a George F. Will-free zone

*"Indignation is the default position of certain people in civic discourse.
They go from a standing start to fury in about 30 seconds."*
*-- George F. Will, responding to the public furor in responseto his
syndicated column in defense of college rapeboys*
*"The change has been under consideration for several months, but a column
published June 5, in which Mr. Will suggested that sexual assault victims
on college campuses enjoy a privileged status, made the decision easier.
The column was offensive and inaccurate; we apologize for publishing it."*
*-- from **the *St. Louis Post-Disp... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Strabane, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
Iraq Is Staring Into The Abyss; Maliki Is An Iraqi Redneck; Maliki's Nixonian Paranoia (And Other Insights From Dexter Filkins's New Yorker Piece On Iraq)
"*Richard Nixon*: That's our tragedy, you and I Mr. Frost. No matter how
high we get, they still look down at us.
*David Frost*: I really don't know what you're talking about.
*Richard Nixon*: Yes you do. Now come on. No matter how many awards or
column inches are written about you, or how high the elected office is,
it's still not enough. We still feel like the little man. The loser. They
told us we were a hundred times, the smart asses in college, the high ups.
The well-born. The people who's respect we really wanted. Really craved.
And isn't that why we work so hard now, why we... more »